Every issue that affects product efficiency, such as power consumption or memory usage, can affect the success of your application. This is why it is necessary to ensure optimization, smooth operation and no problems with the Android system during the development process.
First, you need to reduce the running time of the app.
How to use threads effectivelyCancel the operation of some threads in the background
We know that all operations performed by the application are executed by default in the main thread (thread of the user interface), so the response speed of the application will be affected. This can lead to program crashes and even system errors.
To speed up the response, network queries, database operations, or complex calculations must be moved from the main thread to a separate thread it’s the most effective way. You can use the IntentService to create background operations.
But there are some limitations to be aware of when using the IntentService:
This class does not pass information to the user interface.
Only one request can be processed at a time.
Each process request process cannot be interrupted.
- Initialize the query operation in the thread
When processing query operations in the background, the data is not immediate, but the CursorLoader tool can be used to speed up the interaction, so your interactions with the user are not affected.
After using this tool, your app will start the ContentProvider query for a separate background thread and return the result to the call request after the query is completed.
- Optimize the battery life of your device
If your app consumes too much power, it’s no surprise that users uninstall your app. This is why you should try to reduce battery consumption when using the app. For example, avoid waking up the program when updating data and converting text data to non-JIT regular expression operations.
- Optimized network
If you don't have a network connection, ask your app to ignore network operations and update data only if there is a network connection and there is no roaming.
Select a compatible data format to convert all requests containing text data and binary data into binary data format requests. A valid conversion tool must be used.
I recommend that you get a faster user experience, so you need to avoid having to access the server repeatedly.
The GZIP library is a good tool for compressing text data to use CPU resources efficiently.
- Optimize the work of upstream applications
To prevent potential errors from causing energy consumption, specify a timeout period.
If possible, a coarse positioning network is used instead of GPS. Le compares GPS requirements to 1 mA (25 * S140 mA), whereas a typical network uses only 0.1 mA (2 seconds * 180 MA).
When performing DPI tasks with DisplayMetrics, consider using low-precision variables and caching variable values in a large number of mathematical operations.
- Optimize the application of foreground work
It's important to make sure that the service lifecycle is short-lived because each process requires 2 MB of memory, and when the leading program needs memory it will be restarted. We must keep the amount of memory used too large
You must check the battery status and make a network before the batch update, and it also recommends waiting for the best state before performing an important alternative.
When performing operations in the background, it is important for users to see the use of power, such as the update cycle.
- Implement low memory usage user interface
How to find the problem with the display layout
When a separate user interface is used to create the layout, then it takes up too much memory and then creates, so the application delays in the development of the user interface appear.
You can use the Lint tool, which parses the source code of the app to check for errors and optimize control results.
Layout problem
If you have a problem with your layout, you need to simplify its structure. You can convert the LinearLayout type to a RelativeLayout type, which will reduce the hierarchy of the presentation.