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    [幼儿心理] 要闻美国移民潮历史

    发表于 2023-12-23 17:32:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

    西虹网 西虹网  ?Waves of immigration
    西虹网 西虹网

    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  ?The United States has long been known as nation of immigrants, or a nation of nations. Originally populated by American Indians, the United States has experienced several major waves of immigration: Eastern European colonists in the 1700s (mainly from England), Northern Europeans in the 1800s, Southern Europeans in the early 1900s, and mainly South Americans, Asians, and Africans after 1965.出国移民公司http://www.zlglobal.net/兆龙移民是十大移民公司之一,拥有专业移民律师团队,专注于美国移民,加拿大移民,欧洲移民,希腊移民等项目,创立至今已服务万余家庭,EB-1A,NIW移民更是不成功不收费,是值得信赖的移民机构。
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  长期以来,美国一直被称为移民国家,又名“民族大熔炉”。除了早期的原住民美洲印第安人之外,美国的人种经历了几次大的移民浪潮:如1700?年代的西欧殖民者(大部分来自英格兰)、1800?年代的北欧移民、1900?年代初期的南欧移民,以及1965?年之后来自南美、亚洲和非洲等地的移民潮。
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  ?When Columbus arrived in the 15th?century, there were perhaps 10 million people called Indians.The Westward Movement meant the destruction of the Native American. Today there are about 2.9 million American Indians in the United States. Immigration began in the 1500s with the Spanish and French, and continued in the 1600s and 1700s with the Dutch, English, and Scottish. In addition to the Pilgrim Fathers(White Anglo-Saxons), there were also around 50,000 original colonists from England who came as indentured servant (契约奴), together with the proximate 20,000 black slaves brought to North America.
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  当15世纪哥伦布发现大陆时,当地约有1000万印第安人原住民。西进运动造成了美洲原住民的大量驱赶和屠杀。如今美国仅剩约?290?万左右的印第安人。第一批移民始于1500年代的西班牙人和法国人,持续到?1600?年代和?1700?年代,来自荷兰、英国和苏格兰的移民陆续前往美国定居。早期的白人盎格鲁-撒克逊殖民者中,除了因宗教压迫原因来到美洲的清教徒之外,还有来自英格兰的约5万名白人契约奴,以及两万名左右从非洲被贩卖到北美的黑人奴隶。
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  After the early periods of settlement, the first sharp increase in immigration took place in the 1830s and 1840s. English oppression and the Potato Famine(爱尔兰大饥荒) drove 1.5 million Irishmen from their homeland to the United States in the decade of 1845---1854. In the 1870s and 1890s, a wave of refugees left the political turmoil of Eastern and Southern Europe to seek freedom in America, forming another tremendous tide of immigration in the United States.
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  在早期定居美国的这批移民之后,美国在19世纪30、40年代迎来了第一次移民高潮。由于受英国教会的压迫及爱尔兰大饥荒的影响,从1845年到1854年的十年间,约有150万的爱尔兰人流亡到美国。此后的二三十年间(即19世纪70、80年代),一批为逃离政治动荡的东欧和南欧难民(如受到俄国迫害的犹太人)纷纷前往美国寻求新生,因而形成了又一波美国移民高潮。
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  ?Most Chinese immigrants started to arrive in large numbers during the California Gold Rush (淘金热)of the 1850s, and in the 1860s, more Chinese labors went to work building the Transcontinental Railway(横贯大陆铁路).When the Gold Rush was over and the construction of the railroads was completed, the Chinese labors became unemployed and were turned to the labor market with low wages. Soon there emerged a wide spread of hostility towards the Chinese labors. In May 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act(《排华法案》) was passed to stop Chinese immigration for 10 years. Discriminated against in housing and hiring practices, the Chinese immigrants formed Chinatown in major West Coast cities and succeeded in entrepreneurial endeavors such as restaurants and laundries.
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  19世纪50年代左右,第一代华人移民随着西部淘金热大量涌入美国。到上个世纪60?年代,更多的华人劳工前往美国,参与横贯东西的中央太平洋铁路的修建(约占铁路修建90%的劳动力)。随着淘金热的结束以及铁路修建的完成,美国的华人劳工大量失业,不得不降低薪资以求生存。然而大量过剩的劳动力影响了美国的就业形势,美国出现了大规模排华浪潮。如1882年5月通过的《排华法案》,禁止华人入境10年。尽管在居住条件和招聘方面受到歧视,华裔移民却在西海岸主要城市建立了唐人街,并找到了如开饭店和洗衣店等适合华人的商机。
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  For a long period, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WAPS) controlled the government and politics, and a large number of immigrants was viewed as a threat to basic American values. Thus, Immigration Act(《移民法案》) of 1924 was passed to restrict further immigration. But in 1965, the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments(《移民与国籍法修正案》) gave an equal chance to foreigners seeking entry into the United States regardless of their nations, which started the final wave of immigration.
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  长期以来,一直是白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教徒(WAPS:White Anglo-Saxon Protestants)掌控着美国政府和政治大权,他们认为大量的移民会对美国的基本价值观构成威胁。于是美国国会在1924年通过了一项《移民法案》来进一步限制移民。但1965年的《移民与国籍法修正案》废除了早期的原籍配额制度。根据的移民政策,外国移民,不分国籍,均有平等进入美国的机会。这一规定极大改变了美国的人口构成,从而开启了美国历史上最后一波移民潮。
    西虹网 西虹网
    西虹网 西虹网  ?
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